• IRSC Public Media

    IRSC Public Media


    Radio Stations

    About Us

    Public radio station WQCS / 88.9 FM signed on in March of 1982, and operates at 100,000 watts from a transmitter on IRSC's Massey Campus in Fort Pierce, and has made the ''Q'' building its home since 1993. WQCS is the state-designated Emergency Alert System serving St. Lucie, Martin, Indian River and Okeechobee counties and northern Palm Beach County. WQCS is a member of National Public Radio and Florida Public Media, and affiliated with Public Radio International, American Public Media and the Associated Press.

    WQCP / 91.1 FM was acquired by Indian River State College in September of 2021. At 85,000 watts, WQCP is also one of the strongest stations on the Treasure Coast, and can be heard from Sebastian to Jupiter. WQCP features classical music, with jazz music and other great programming on the weekends.

    WQJS / 88.5 FM was acquired by Indian River State College in September of 2021. It serves much of the Lake Okeechobee area from a transmitter located in Clewiston, Florida. WQJS features BBC News on weekday mornings, and jazz programming all day and all night.

    IRSC Public Media stations provide local news and weather information throughout the day and work closely with non-profit organizations to promote their activities through public service announcements, and the show ''In Focus with IRSC Public Media''.

    IRSC Public Media also operates the WQCS Radio Reading Service on a closed-circuit sub-carrier. Approximately 500 blind and visually and physically impaired listeners receive the reading service. Each morning, volunteers read local newspapers and other publications.

    Rep/Contact Info

    Alise Farino
    Card image cap
    Diana Gonzalez
    Development/Financial Coordinator
    Gerald Wilcox
    Corporate Underwriting Sales
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